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温海明 《社会科学》2012,(7):124-131
孔子"孝"之非反思性的先行状态可以从以下几个角度来论证:"孝"之为人伦中心与"仁"可以打通;孔子对于"孝"的非反思性的先行性的确立其实可以回溯到他对天地自然运动的深刻领会,而将个体的"孝"经验上升到全体人类的"仁"境,最直接的基础是宗教感情,由此可以论证"孝"之非反思先行性的宗教性维度。由此可见,孔子提倡的"孝",不仅仅是其中心思想"仁"的根基,而且可以与孔子对于天地自然的本体论理解相通,也可以与基于祖先崇拜的宗教情感相通,如此,"孝"就由个体源初的感情,上升到人类全体以致世界全体,成为人非反思地面对世界全体的不可移易的先行性基石。  相似文献   
儒家的养老与敬老思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家为突出养老道义上的至善性,着意渲染历史上的圣王之治无不重养老,认为重养老是善治的体现,富有道义上的正当性,是一种神圣的事业;就如何养老而言,儒家强调要"制民恒产",在确保人民有稳定的资产和收入来养老的同时,力主统治者应轻徭薄赋,施行"仁政";儒家的养老不仅重视在物质上满足老人的需求,也很注重在精神和情感上敬重长者;同时,儒家认为政府对养老负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   
Mother Tongues     

As women make their first journeys into motherhood, their relationships and discussions with other women, especially other mothers, can be of vital importance. I argue that as women journey into motherhood, they also journey into what might be called a culture of motherhood-a discursive and symbolic realm shared by all mothers. Through interactions among mothers, information, resources, and advice are shared; hierarchies of authority within the community of mothers are established; and women are given opportunities to discursively explore and construct their maternal identities, for example, through the sharing of birth stories. These symbolic, ritualistic, and communicative dimensions of the journey into motherhood can differ between lesbian-identified and heterosexual-identified women. Lesbian mothers can be suspect or marginalized and, at times, feel the need to be circumspect in their interactions. On the other hand, coupled lesbians make the journey into motherhood, into maternal identity, and into the community of mothers, together as a couple. This is not the same for heterosexual women whose most intimate female companions on the journey tend to be friends, sisters, and mothers. Based on research with 53 Canadian mothers, I compare the journeys into motherhood of lesbian and heterosexual women.  相似文献   
柳宗元通过对《国语》一书中所记载的历史事件、历史现象的批驳,阐述了关于历史著作的一些观点和看法。柳宗元认为历史著作应注重内容的真实,写作内容应有所选择,应简洁,前后一致,并具有教育的功能。在一定程度上,柳宗元的历史著作观也是其经学著作观,反映了柳宗元对经学文献的看法,体现了柳宗元的经学研究观念,反映了中唐时期经学、史学的变化。柳宗元的历史著作观与其哲学观、历史观密不可分。  相似文献   
朝鲜家训深受儒家思想的影响。从家训中的经济内容中可见朝鲜士大夫在治产上讲究以农为本;治家则追求勤俭节约,凡事统筹安排,量入为出;对日常生活原则的规定中则透露出崇尚美德,救济同族,安贫乐道的士人精神。  相似文献   
曾军 《社会科学》2012,(1):177-184
一个学科要想获得发展,必须处理好两个彼此相关的问题:其一是对当下社会文化重大问题的回应能力;其二是将这些问题的回应与本学科自身的关联梳理清楚。通过对2011年与文艺学研究有关的几个问题及其讨论(包括"艺术学升‘门’"、"文学经验"、"文学形式"、"视觉文化"等)的清理,可以发现文艺学研究必须要积极应对和处理与相邻学科的关系、本学科内部的研究范式以及在当代文化重要问题中推动学科的发展。  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of the theatre metaphor in both resolving and aggravating the tensions inherent in managing the modern zoo. As the mission of zoos has evolved from the point of view of management, from a “stamp collection” approach, through habitat design and education, to the breeding and preservation of endangered species, perceptions of the general public and more importantly, the municipal departments to which zoo directors report, have not kept up. This has resulted in a tension between inner mission and self-presentation, between marketing/fundraising activities and the animal management activities which shape the day to day work and future plans of zoo workers. This paper examines one case in particular . . . that of the Northern City Zoo, in Canada. It explores the significance of using organizational metaphor to explicitly manage diversity and transition. In particular it discusses the role of theatre metaphors as simultaneously signalling conflict within the organization and providing a “liminal” period for transformation.  相似文献   
A chronic, progressive, and potentially debilitating condition, osteoporosis has a multitude of currently untapped implications for effective social work practice. A working knowledge of the medical framework of the disease process itself is a prerequisite to informed practice. This article presents such information, along with the psychological and social components, in order to provide the social worker with the comprehensive biopsyehosaial knowledge base necessary for effective practice with the osteoporotic woman and her family.  相似文献   
五四运动与民主观念在新文化运动时期的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1915--1924年新文化运动时期,民主观念与科学观念相伴随,成为新文化运动的旗帜、口号与价值认同。1919年五四运动的发生,对新文化运动发生了强烈而深刻的影响,促使中国人重新思考追求民主、实现民主的道路,进而促使中国人对民主观念的理解和阐释发生了重大变化,由新文化运动初期的对欧美民主政治的单一性理解,转变为新文化运动后期的对民主政治的不同追求。陈独秀对“民主”内涵的新阐释,孙中山对“民权”道路的新探索,胡适力主从“问题”人手实现“民主”,梁漱溟强调在儒学基础上认肯“民主”,这些都是对民主政治不同追求的有代表性的体现。民主观念的这一变化,具有多方面的合理性,在20世纪中国思想史上有着积极的值得肯定的意义。  相似文献   
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